Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Stupid grammar!?

Finally a good page where you can practice and improve your grammar.
Includes easy, medium and difficult grammar quizzes.

I can really recommend this site!!


For all of you who have an iPod or a mp3-player, why not listening to easy English podcasts? On the following site you can download podcast for free and listen to them whenever you want... on the couch, in your bed, at the swimming pool...

Apple users can also download BBC material via the iTunes-store...

Improve your pronunciation

Here are some links to train your Speaking skills...

- Sounds of English has lots of very useful pronunciation activities

- Okanagan University College has lots of pronunciation activities and games at this Canadian site. You will need a Shockwave player.

- fonetiks is an online guide to spoken English that has nine different regional accents and 40 listenings with native speakers

- Hong Kong Polytechnic has lots of pronunciation activities

- This site has lots of pronunciation activities

Texts with Activities

On the following pages you will find English texts with many interesting activities:

You can also listen to the texts if you want to practice your listening skills.

Intermediate texts for advanced learners.

Easier texts for beginners.


I've just found a version of Wikipedia that is suitable for English students.
Check out the Simple English Wikipedia!

Spelling Exercises

Check your spelling at Funbrain

Lots of useful information and activities related to spelling from the BBC

Dictionaries for students

Here's a list of dictionarys for learners of English:

- Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary is a dictionary for students of English

- The Oxford Advanced Learner’s dictionary is another dictionary for students of English

- Translation at Babelfish

You can use LEO as well, but be careful with the different meanings of the words


Here's a link to a blog which deals with XERTE

It is regularly updated und has a lot good links with actvities.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Animated animals

Make a little dialogue. These animals and vegetables will do the conversation for you :-)
Funny way of writing texts!

Very useful links for teachers

Here are some really awesome links for teachers:

A perfect tool for creating crazy word webs. You can change almost everything (color, font, number of words used,...). Let your student's be creative!

- eyePlorer
Collect facts about almost everything. This Program will show you what is connected with your search. You can easily organize facts and get links to them as well.
The source is wikipedia.

- Teleprompter
Being a newsreader on TV is not always easy. Let your students try out, how speadreading works. You can choose between different styles and different speeds.

Word Magnets

Here's a simple but motivating way of creating sentences. The students have to build their own little story by putting words together...

News Report

Imagine you're a famous news reporter who has just been sent out to write THE top story.
You can be this reporter using The Newspaper Clipping Image  


Read my top story:

The Singing Computer

I've just found a pretty nice site for making own songs...
Be creative and make your computer sing your lyrics!

You can find the text-to-song machine here:

Getting started

Welcome to my new blog!

Here are some useful links to eLearning sites you should have a look at...

A general education blog, not specifically for English language learning, but again highly recommended.

 Specifically for English language teachers.

 Lots of content consisting of links to educational sites and information on new web tools and software.

Have fun looking around!